5 Mistakes Not to Make After a Work Injury in Workers’ Compensation Claim

May 9, 2018 - 10:00 am

Workplace injuries happen for an assortment of reasons, such as hazardous working conditions, weak management, a lack of training, or improperly maintained equipment. Workers’ compensation in Georgia is there to take care of people injured on the job and will compensate for lost wages, and permanent disabilities. If you are injured on the job and require a workers’ compensation claim to be started, there are 5 common mistakes to avoid that will your likelihood for a successful claim.

You Forgot to Report It

Report your injury to your direct supervisor immediately. Georgia law requires you report any accident immediately but within 30 days after to your boss. If you don’t do this, they have grounds to deny you all benefits. It is understandable that you don’t want to cause a fuss or bring attention to yourself. But hoping your injury will go away all by itself can forever prevent you from getting workers’ compensation benefits.

You Postponed Medical Treatment

Do not delay going to a physician immediately. Not only that, you must keep all appointments and follow your doctor’s recommendations to a tee. If you don’t seek medical assistance directly after the injury, your claim could be affected.

You Withheld or Lied About Medical History

Pay attention to what you are saying. Be accurate when reporting your medical history and disclose all relevant information, such as previous accidents or injuries. Your initial work injury is the most important and then take extreme care when you fill out the patient information form. It is your opportunity to provide a detailed work injury history. The last thing you want is medical evidence to become suspect and your claim to get denied

You Waited Too Long to Consult an Attorney

Workers compensation claims are complex and complicated. You either must know the laws of Georgia or you must hire a good attorney. Don’t hire someone that promises you a great sum of money because no lawyer has a crystal ball. Rather, hire a lawyer that is realistic and can guide you through the entire process. If you don’t do this, you could easily damage your case beyond all repair. A good workers’ compensation attorney will spend countless hours advising you to make sure the proper decisions are made.

Poor Communication with Your Doctor

You must inform your doctor of how your injury is affecting your work. It’s understandable that you may fear losing your job or angering your employer, but if you are feeling discomfort while you are working you must tell your doctor. And then you must do you’re your doctor tell you to do. Following your doctor’s advice is important for your health and for your claim.

Georgia workers’ compensation cases are getting increasingly complicated. Avoiding simple mistakes will help put you in a better position for a successful outcome.

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