How Employer Fraud Impacts the Workers’ Compensation System

July 24, 2020 - 12:44 pm

Unfortunately, fraudulent activity is present in many different industries. From banking to business, fraud is a five letter word that most people are familiar with. What happens, though, when fraudulent activity impacts your safety in the workplace or your security that if you are injured, insurance will compensate you for your accident? Sometimes, employer fraud is present in the workplace anud the repercussions of this illegal activity can be significant and serious. It is important to understand how to identify and avoid fraudulent behavior when it comes to workers’ compensation to protect yourself while at work. 

Employer Workers’ Comp Fraud 

In some cases, employers attempt to cut corners with their workers’ compensation insurance or reporting the safety of their workplace. This is fraudulent behavior and can be detrimental to the well-being of their employees. Identifying employer fraudulent activity can protect both yourself and your coworkers. This includes: 

  • Not purchasing workers’ compensation insurance 
  • Misrepresenting workplace safety 
  • Not reporting a workplace accident 
  • Improperly classifying employees 

Workers Compensation Fraud at Your Workplace

If you believe your employer is participating in some sort of fraudulent activity, it is important to act immediately and contact authorities as soon as possible. Fraudulent behavior can be present in a number of different ways including your employer being dishonest about the safety in your workplace or not properly protecting his or her employees. If you have observed fraudulent activity at work, especially by your employer that could put you at risk of not receiving the compensation you deserve in the case of an accident, contact an attorney today. At Poirier Law Firm, we strive to ensure that all employees are treated fairly and justly and will do everything in our power to fight for your rights!

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