How Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Are Compensated

March 18, 2021 - 6:34 pm

Amongst the many things you have whirling around your mind after a workplace accident, you may be wondering how you are going to afford an attorney for your workers’ compensation case. Although this is a reasonable concern, luckily, the Georgia workers’ compensation system makes paying your attorney quite stress free. Your main priority after a workplace injury should be to ensure that you are receiving the benefits that you are rightfully owed, fully recover from your injury, and are able to get back on the job as soon as possible. Compensating your workers’ compensation attorney should be the least of your worries after a workplace incident, however, there are likely several questions you may be wondering about regarding the payment to your workers’ compensation attorney. Rest assured that Georgia’s system makes it as easy as possible to ensure that you are able to obtain a workers’ compensation attorney in your time of need. 

Do I have to pay for an attorney out of pocket?  

No, there are absolutely no up front charges or hourly fees that you have to pay upon hiring a workers’ compensation attorney. Georgia is a contingency fee state, which means your attorney is only paid if they obtain a recovery for you from your case. Unlike some other sectors of law, workers compensation attorneys in Georgia do not get paid if your case isn’t won. This should provide you comfort in knowing that not only does your attorney want to win your case get the best possible outcome for their clients because of their well being, but they also won’t get paid unless they make it a top priority to present your case in the most compelling way possible. 

How do workers’ compensation attorneys charge? 

If your workers’ compensation attorney obtains a successful recovery on your case, Georgia state regulates their fees, which are 25% of the recovery. If there is not a successful recovery, you do not owe any fees. This way you can rest assured that if for some reason there is an unfavorable outcome to your case, you will not be stuck paying a large amount to your attorney. 

What happens if I’m not awarded workers’ compensation benefits? 

There are unfortunately a handful of reasons your claim may be denied initially including employer disputes, timeliness of reporting the injury and filing the claim, and lack of documentation of a physician’s diagnosis. Thankfully, not all hope is lost if your claim is denied. If you are not awarded benefits for your workers’ compensation claim, you can appeal to the next level. This would generally involve your attorney bringing your case before a judge through the state workers’ compensation board or the Superior Court for the County where you were injured.


It is important to understand that in Georgia, your attorney does not get paid unless you win your case. This eases the financial burden that accompanies a work-related injury and ensures that your attorney prioritizes your case. Our goal at Poirier Law Firm is to do everything in our power to win our clients’ cases and fight for the benefits they deserve after an unexpected accident at work. The payment is not our main concern and shouldn’t be yours either during this uncertain and unprecedented time in your life. We don’t win unless you do! Contact us today for a consultation to learn how we can help get your life back in your hands! 



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