Spooky Reasons Employers See a Spike in Worker Injuries During Halloween

October 27, 2021 - 6:38 pm

Halloween can be a great time to reconnect and celebrate with coworkers. Although the spooky season is full of fun festivities, there can also be several risks at Halloween celebrations that employees should be cautious of. Worker injuries tend to spike up during holidays and Halloween is no exception. As you are participating in workplace festivities this Halloween season, beware of any factors that could increase your likelihood of getting injured at work:

  1. Pumpkin Carving: If your workplace opts to host a pumpkin carving contest, ensure the proper precautions are followed to avoid injuries. Each pumpkin carver should have plenty of room around them and any mess on the floor should be cleaned up quickly to reduce the risk of slips and falls.
  2. Jack-o-lanterns: If your employer wants to display each employee’s beautifully carved pumpkin, fires can be a cause for concern at your workplace. Recommend that fake candles are used to avoid anyone getting burned, however, if real candles are used, ensure they are not near where people are walking.
  3. Costume contests & decorations: Everyone wants to dress up as their favorite scary creature on Halloween. If your company is hosting a costume contest and is decorating the workplace with spooky cobwebs, spiders, pumpkins and more, trips and falls become much more prevalent. Oversize costumes, masks, and decorations on or near the ground can be hazardous and significantly increase the likelihood of a worker being injured while walking on the job. To reduce your risk of being injured while at work during Halloween, opt for a costume without a mask that obstructs your vision and that does not drag on the floor.

Holiday celebrations are something that all workplaces should look forward to as they’re a way to bring employees together after being apart throughout much of last year. While it’s important to enjoy your spooky holiday happenings, you should also use extra precautions during this season of celebrations to avoid being injured on the job. If you do find yourself injured after a Halloween celebration at your workplace, contact a workers’ compensation attorney right away. Depending on the situation, you could be entitled to workers’ compensation. It’s not a TRICK that our experienced team at Poirier Law Firm will TREAT you like family and work to determine the best way to protect and fight for your rights!

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