Workers’ Compensation for Haunted House Workers

October 29, 2021 - 4:00 pm

It’s not all that common to find yourself working alongside a zombie, vampire, and terrifying clown. For haunted house workers, however, it’s just another day on the job. Throughout October, thousands of haunted houses open up across the country to attract thrill seekers. Many of us only view haunted houses from the perspective of those getting spooked and scared. For the individuals working behind the scenes, their spooks and scares are not caused by spiders, ghosts and demons but instead by the potential for a work-related injury. 

Haunted house workers can endure bumps, scratches and even punches from spooked haunted house goers as well as injuries from repetitive motions based on their role within the haunted house. The list of potential injuries a haunted house worker can suffer from is extensive but the most common are:

  • Broken noses from elbows and punches
  • Scratches from nails 
  • Shoulder, wrist, and knee injuries from repetitive motions or lifting heavy items 

Although haunted house employers do everything in their power to protect their employees, the nature of the job makes it somewhat difficult to ensure that no one is going to get hurt. That is why haunted houses are required to have workers’ compensation insurance for all employees. In Georgia, this protects all employees if they suffer from an on-the-job injury, regardless of whose fault it is. If you are working for a haunted house this season, it is important to ensure that you are classified as an employee and not a volunteer or independent contractor because you may not be entitled to the same workers’ compensation coverage. 

If you have been injured while working at a haunted house, don’t be scared to contact Poirier Law Firm today. We will make sure to fight for the rights you deserve so you can get back to doing what you do best: scaring people! 

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