Dangers of Winter Weather for Workers

December 3, 2021 - 4:50 pm

The holiday season is full of joy, love, cheer, and unfortunately…cold weather. Although Georgia rarely experiences severe winter weather, temperatures can dip below freezing which creates a number of different risks for workers, especially those who work outdoors. Similarly to hot summer months, there are a handful of best practices to avoid on-the-job injuries as a result of weather conditions:

  • Taking frequent breaks in shelter
  • Hydrating
  • Wearing proper clothing and other protective gear (hats, socks, gloves, etc.)
  • Being cautious of your surroundings 

Taking these precautions can significantly reduce the likelihood of suffering from a weather-related workplace injury, however, it does not entirely erase the risk of an accident occurring. Cold-weather injuries can be serious if not treated immediately and can sometimes result in lasting health issues that could inhibit you from performing your job properly for an extended period of time. 

Some of the most common winter weather injuries that impact individuals who work outside, such as construction workers, are frostbite and hypothermia. Although outdoor employees are most likely to be impacted from fluctuations in weather conditions, all workers can experience work-related injuries due to winter weather. Other common injuries as a result of cold temperatures are hip injuries due to slips and falls on sidewalks or other icy areas.

Winter weather injuries can happen in the blink of an eye and can become complicated extremely quickly. That is why it’s imperative that you seek legal advice as soon as possible following a workplace injury. Workplace injuries are “snow joke” and Poirier Law Firm is here to help. Don’t wait for your case to melt away, contact us today!


Source: https://amtrustfinancial.com/blog/loss-control/working-cold-weather-workers-comp-claims

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