Workers’ Comp Coverage for Employer Mandated Vaccines

December 16, 2021 - 6:25 pm

Employees around the country are thrilled by the fact that many employers are allowing them to go back into the workplace. Although working from home if possible is a nice luxury, there is nothing like being at your workplace with your coworkers. In order to keep the workplace safe, many employers are requiring that their employees have proof of vaccination before they are allowed to return to work. Although this may not be an issue for many, if an individual falls ill because of the employer-mandated vaccination or has any complications, they may wonder where they can turn.

Idaho Law Setting a Precedent  

In mid November, Idaho passed a law stating that if an employee falls ill or experiences any complications due to the COVID-19 vaccination as a requirement of their employer, workers’ compensation will cover their recovery from the illness while they are out of work. Idaho is the first state to set this president however, it could likely mean that many states will follow suit. This would mean that if you  receive the COVID-19 vaccine because of your employer’s requirement, you are protected in the event that you fall ill. If you receive the COVID-19 vaccine unrelated to your employment, you most likely do not receive the same coverage. The reason that any illness or complication from the COVID-19 vaccine would be covered under workers’ compensation is if it is a requirement of your employer, similar to any other injury or illness resulting from your work-related duties.

If you receive the COVID-19 vaccination as a requirement for your employer and suffer from an injury or illness as a result, contact Poirier Law Firm today. Even if you are unsure if your employer can be held responsible for your injury, it is important to consult with an experienced attorney to understand your rights as an employee. It is essential that we all stay safe and healthy during this time and although it is understandable that employers are doing everything they can to ensure their workplaces remain safe, that unfortunately doesn’t mean that unexpected circumstances couldn’t arise. At Poirier Law Firm, it is our job to fight for you, the injured employee, and ensure you receive the compensation and payments you deserve.



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