Is Your Workers’ Compensation Information Cybersecure?

March 28, 2018 - 2:06 pm

People barely blink anymore when the news reports there has been a data breach. We become desensitized after hearing the same thing repeatedly —who the breach affected, how much damage is caused, and of course what is being done to fix it. A data breach happens when criminals penetrate a data origin and extract sensitive information either by physically being present and accessing a computer or by remotely bypassing the network security. Information can also be breached through mobile devices carried by employees. The motivation for doing this depends upon the intended target and what their data might offer criminals. The possibility of a data breach is a complication that workers’ comp insurers face increasingly every day and one that requires a heightened need to find a reliable, long term solution.

Could a Data Breach Happen to My Information?

With the advancement of technology and using electronic data, data breaches can happen within every industry. Experts say that everyone will experience a data breach, and workers’ comp industry is no exception. In fact, just a few months ago there was a data breach on an Oregon’s workers’ comp fund that affected over 1,700 people—all of whom had their names and social security numbers exposed. Being prepared and knowing how to react are key to keeping your information safe.

Workers’ Comp Data Is Complicated

Because of the sensitive nature of claimant files, data security should be of paramount importance. Workers’ comp data is voluminous and comes from multiple sources. Hospitals, doctors, physical therapists, employers, etc. are all adding data from innumerable locations and through a number processes (i.e. mail, email, fax, etc.) Much of this data are considered sensitive and protected by HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) laws. And most every state requires Social Security numbers to be provided for injured workers—which by itself is a trigger that increases the risk for a cyber-attack.

How Am I Being Protected?

There is no surefire way to prevent a data breach and even companies with the best security protection possible are at a risk. Companies must make sure their software is current and that they reduce network vulnerabilities as much as possible. They must prepare their workers on how to best protect private data, since human error also causes data breaches. Businesses also need the ability to deal with the fallout when it happens.

On a personal level, since data breaches aren’t going away soon, there are a few ways you can help protect yourself.

  •       Guard your information. Limit sensitive information as much as possible and appropriate. As an injured worker, you obviously must provide sensitive information but try to limit it to only what is necessary. You can also ask that all paper data be shredded.
  •       Avoid social media. Be very cautious with what you say on social media because if a breach occurs, you have just offered a link between yourself and the data—something that criminals can use to make your stolen identify stronger for them.
  •       ACT quickly. You also want to have a quick response if a breach occurs. Be on your toes always for something that might be amiss.

Please contact a lawyer if you think your data has been breached or if you want more information on how to protect yourself. A lawyer can assist you with understanding information protected under law and should be protected for you. A lawyer can also educate you about data security laws and compliance requirements that specific business should have.


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