5 Ways That Artificial Intelligence Impacts Workers’ Compensation Lawyers.

December 6, 2018 - 2:32 pm

There is little doubt that artificial intelligence (AI), automation and technology in general will impact the workforce in every industry- including and perhaps especially the legal sector. AI is helping the legal profession by taking away tedious, arduous tasks and allowing lawyers the time to get back to what they are experts at— which is providing expert advice to clients in need of help. The following are five ways that AI can impact workers’ compensation lawyers.

1. AI Helps Discovery Process

Some workers’ comp cases are complicated with massive amounts of paperwork. This often requires a large team of legal professionals to make sure nothing is missed in any given document. AI eliminates the need to have a big team dissecting paperwork. Predictive coding helps to quickly organize, prioritize, and categorize data. Not only does it reduce the cost of discovery but it allows lawyers to take more one-to-one time with their client and help them navigate the legal process.

2. AI Helps Legal Research

Many law firms are taking advantage of AI powered software that can perform legal research. This allows the research to get done in a punctual yet comprehensive manner. Workers’ comp cases often yield a voluminous amount of research and AI expedites the time it takes to find what you are looking for. Many lawyers have even reported winning cases based on AI’s ability to find applicable case law or cases nearly identical to their own.

3. AI Helps Predict Outcomes

AI can analyze data and then make a prediction about the conclusion of the case far better than a human. So when an injured worker asked their workers’ comp attorney the question, “Should I settle this case?”, the answer will be evidence based as the AI sifts through years of re;event data and case files. Put simply, AI can assist clients in making educated, well informed decisions at a higher level than a human.

4. AI Helps Contract Review

AI can help a workers’ comp lawyer in the settlement negotiation process. Not only can the software help sort contracts faster, it makes very few errors. Some off the platforms will create summary charts after it analyzes information found in contract data, again freeing up an attorney’s valuable time.

5. AI for Organization

Automation is also helping lawyers who work with workers’ comp to stay organized and always communicate the most accurate and up to date information possible. The software helps store information about the injured worker’s employer, the injury itself, and insurance information. It additionally helps calculate the value of a settlement. Some lawyers have reported a significant improvement in the recovery of their client based on positive effects the software has on their settlement negotiations. Most of the software has workflows to create productive, efficient settlement and litigation practices while making sure nothing falls through the cracks.


It goes without saying that AI is transforming the workers’ comp industry on many fronts, including the legal aspect. Law firms should make the commitment to embrace technology and bring innovation to the forefront. After all, it can play an instrumental role whether you win…or lose a case.

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