Helping Injured Workers in Georgia with Workers’ Comp System

February 28, 2019 - 12:11 am

Each day, millions of Americans go to work in order to earn money and support their family. So what happens when you get hurt on the job? Suddenly, everything is at risk and your family’s financial stability is threatened. Workers compensation claims are confusing and do not fully understand why the rules can cost you benefits. If you have been injured on the job, or while performing a job-related activity, please seek legal advice to ensure your rights and interests are protected.

You may hear that you don’t need a lawyer to file a workers’ compensation claim. But your employer’s insurance company has lawyers, and it is their job to find ways to pay you as little as possible. That’s why you need an experienced attorney who will put your best interests first.


Things to Know About Workers’ Comp Process

A lawyer will help make sure you understand your options and benefits and have the information you need to make informed decisions. Here are some things you need to know when filing a workers’ comp claim.

Report Right Away

If and when you are ever in an accident while on the job, you must report your injury immediately to your boss. Georgia requires workers to give notice of their injuries within 30 days. If you miss that deadline, you risk the chance of losing your benefits all together.

Get Medical Treatment Promptly

You should obtain medical treatment as soon as you possibly can post injury. By getting prompt medical care, you can often improve your chances at a quicker and healthier recovery process. Another reason to get prompt medical care is that it serves as documentation of your accident. Any delay in treatment gives the insurance company room to argue that your injuries must not be serious enough.

Understand Your Benefits

It is essential that you understand what benefits you have available to you through the workers’ comp. In Georgia, you are entitled to total disability, temporary partial disability, permanent partial disability, death benefits, and mileage reimbursement. Insurance companies are a for profit agency so you can’t rely on the agent to fully explain your benefits. If questions arise, then make sure to consult with a workers’ comp attorney or call up the State Board of Workers’ Compensation.  

Watch out for investigators

There is a good chance the insurance company will hire a private investigator to follow you. They are trying to catch you doing something that would contradict your claim so they don’t have to pay. If you feel you are being watched, you need to contact a workers’ comp lawyer right away.

Don’t miss appointments

You need to attend every doctor’s appointment, legal meeting, court date etc or you risk losing all your benefits. If you have a lawyer, they can attend some of the legal appointments but you must be there for all important events.

Unless you have a simple straightforward claim, navigating the workers’ comp system is usually difficult. As an injured worker, it is smart to consider hiring a workers’ comp lawyer to help you get the best settlement possible.

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