5 Incredible Insurance Adjuster Tactics in Workers’ Comp Claims

June 12, 2019 - 10:51 pm

Insurance adjusters want to close a workers’ compensation claim as quickly as possible after a worker sustains an injury on the job. Because the insurance company wants to minimize loss, they set a goal to close the claim having paid out the least possible amount of money. It is important to keep in mind that the insurance adjust might be friendly, but they are not on your side. They are working for the other guy. Here is a list of frequently used tactics employed by insurance adjusters.

1. Make the quickest possible settlement offer.

The insurance adjuster’s primary goal is to minimize loss and expenses. Therefore, they frequently offer a settlement (small) that they want you to take quickly before you retain a lawyer. We do not EVER recommend accepting a settlement before speaking to an attorney.

2. They tell you not to hire a workers’ compensation attorney.

If the insurance adjuster is truly skilled, then they usually start out being your best friend. You will believe they are looking out for you. And they will reassure you that an attorney is not necessary because of course—they have your best interest at heart. Don’t be fooled by this tactic. Remember, the adjuster is not your friend, but rather an employee of the insurance company that does not want to pay your claim.  This is a great time to consult with an attorney to make sure you are getting the care you deserve.

3. They Delay Payment.

Look, the insurance adjuster knows that most of us need money and will do their best to exploit that. In other words, they know your family depends on your paychecks, so they will delay payments in hopes you will settle quickly and cheaply. In Georgia, a 15% penalty fee is added if voluntary benefit payments are late and a 20% for late payments under an award by the judge. These penalties are an attempt to deter employers and insurance companies from delay tactics to avoid extra hardship on the injured workers and their family.

4. They Fire You.

It happens all the time—an injured worker is fired because they can no longer work. No matter what way you look at this situation, it is essential you contact a workers’ compensation attorney and seek advice. Your attorney will be able to tell you your rights in this situation and how to proceed from there.

5. Hire a Private Investigator.

It is not uncommon for the claims’ adjuster to hire a private investigator to take pictures. The footage is then showed to your doctor indicating you are faking your injury. It also isn’t uncommon for those pictures to be highly edited in a very discriminatory way towards you.


These are just a few of the delay tactics insurance adjusters employ in a workers’ comp case. Remember, the insurance adjuster is not your friend. Your goals are very different when it comes to your workers comp claim. If you are not represented by a skilled workers’ compensation lawyer in Georgia, the adjuster may try to use these and other tactics to weaken your claim and reduce its value. Contact an experienced workers’ compensation as soon as possible to avoid falling prey to this.

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