When is a Workplace Injury Serious?

October 1, 2020 - 8:18 pm

Sometimes bumps and bruises turn out to be no big deal. What happens though, if you suffer what seems to be a minor workplace injury and neglect to have it examined by a healthcare professional? No matter how small the injury, it is always a good idea to inform your employer of a workplace accident and seek medical attention. It is always a possibility that an injury that seems unthreatening at first can end up causing serious health complications if it is not treated or is exacerbated while you continue your job duties. 

When Should I Pay Attention to an Injury?

In general, if you experience any kind of injury at work, you should notify your employer immediately. Depending on the nature of the injury, it could be in your best interest to also consult a doctor. Although there are some injuries that will quickly heal on their own and cause no real harm to your well-being, a large majority of workplace injuries can end up being quite severe. It is important to know when to take the extra steps to seek medical attention and consult a workers’ compensation attorney. There are several injuries that can appear minor at first but if they are untreated or strained while you continue to work, could leave a lasting impact. 

  • Sprains and Strains: especially in your wrists or knees. If you are doing any heavy lifting for your job responsibilities or are often working at a computer that strains your wrists, you could experience a more serious injury if you do not seek treatment.
  • Slips and Falls: these accidents tend to lead to more intense injuries including breaks or bruises. It is always important to seek a consultation from a healthcare professional after a fall because there could be an underlying injury as a result. 
  • Cuts and Scrapes: although these can often be remedied with some antiseptic cream and a bandaid, you should be cautious and monitor the healing of a wound. If you cut yourself on something unsanitary at your workplace, you could risk infection which can lead to serious complications.

Contact an Attorney 

If you have been injured at work, it is important that you take the appropriate steps as soon as possible so you can quickly treat your injury and receive any compensation you deserve for missed work or medical expenses. If you have suffered from a workplace accident and have been injured as a result, contact Poirier Law Firm today. Our team is dedicated to helping you navigate the best way to ensure you return to health and receive the benefits you are entitled to.

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