Winter Weather and Increased Workers’ Compensation Claims

October 22, 2020 - 10:06 pm

As the summer heat is slowly turning into a brisk autumn, it’s clear that winter is quickly approaching. Each season comes with unique challenges to avoid workplace accidents, however, winter weather in particular is accompanied by a heightened risk of workplace accidents. It is important to know that as Georgia begins to experience freezing temperatures, you must take extra precautions while at work to avoid injuries. Although the south doesn’t normally experience severe weather conditions, something as simple as black ice could result in a serious injury. Understanding the protocols at your work in place to prevent you from becoming susceptible to winter weather injuries will protect you from ending up in a position in which you are injured and need workers’ compensation benefits. 

Common Winter Weather Injuries 

There are several injuries that are significantly more likely to occur during winter months including: 


Hypothermia and Frostbite 

If you work outside, you could suffer from hypothermia or frostbite during the winter. To avoid both of these injuries, it is essential that you wear the proper protective clothing and take frequent breaks to warm up. By drinking plenty of warm fluids, moving around frequently, and taking other preventative measures, you can avoid suffering from these dangerous and potentially life-threatening injuries. 


Slips and Falls 

Freezing temperatures are often accompanied by ice on the ground. Injuries related to slips and falls become much more common in the winter and these accidents can result in breaks and sprains that could put you out of work for an extended period of time. By always being cautious of where you are walking, ensuring that you use handrails whenever they are available, and wearing shoes with traction, you can reduce the likelihood of an ice-related workplace injury.


Auto Accidents 

Although ice on sidewalks is dangerous and can lead to serious injuries, ice on the road can increase risk of an accident even more. Whether you are driving to commute to work each day or you operate a motor vehicle as one of your job responsibilities, learning how to drive in winter conditions is extremely important. Ice, snow and other drivers create unpredictable situations on the road in the winter which is why taking a defensive driving class that focuses on winter weather conditions is a smart decision. Not only will this give you more confidence and comfort if you face unfavorable weather in the coming months, but it will also better prepare you if you face a dangerous situation on the road. 


Thankfully, the winter weather in Georgia is relatively mild, however, you should know how to be prepared in the case of an ice or snow storm so you can avoid injuries while you are commuting to work or are performing your workplace duties. Although the workers’ compensation system is in place to help you in the event that you suffer from an injury at work, it is always better to avoid an injury altogether. 

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