How the Holiday Rush Increases Work-Related Injuries

December 11, 2020 - 3:39 pm

2020 has been a year truly unlike any other. Amongst the many things that make this year different, consumers are buying drastically more everyday goods online. This has dramatically increased the need for factories, distribution centers, postal services and truck drivers. This holiday season, the demand within these industries will be greater than ever. With an increase in production and time constraints before the holidays, there will be more pressure on employees to work diligently and quickly, causing an increase in the likelihood of workplace injuries. There are various types of injuries that can happen during the holiday rush so you must ensure that you understand what your rights are in the event that you suffer from a workplace injury this holiday season.


There are two main types of injuries that could happen to you while working during the holidays. 

  1. Repetitive injuries are caused by repetitive motions such as lifting boxes or assembling goods. These types of injuries can include muscular strains, carpal tunnel and other injuries that develop over time from performing the same movements. These injuries may not be alarming at first, however if untreated they can cause serious health concerns and lasting damage. 
  2. The other type of injuries that commonly happen to workers during the holiday rush are caused by rushing while at work or lifting something too heavy. This can include back strains and broken bones from slips and trips. It is not uncommon during the holiday season for employees to work long hours of overtime and push themselves past what their bodies can handle. Regardless of how you have incurred your injury, you have rights to Workers’ Compensation benefits as a result of the injury.


Many employees that are hired before December are considered seasonal workers. Seasonal workers tend to be individuals who only work for a company for a short duration of time over the holiday season to help with the increased level of production. If you are classified as a seasonal worker you may be wondering about your eligibility for Workers’ Compensation benefits in the event that you are injured on-the-job. Regardless of your job classification (full-time or a seasonal worker) you have the complete right to file a Workers’ Compensation claim and receive compensation for your injury.

The holidays are a busy time for everyone but especially those working in industries that are in high demand. Those working at companies who distribute goods online are likely going to be working overtime hours throughout this next month. It is important to remain diligent and safe while on the job, however if you find yourself in a situation in which you have been injured while at work, do not hesitate to reach out to Poirier Law Firm for a consultation. Our passion is helping hardworking individuals exercise their rights and receive the compensation they deserve.

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