Workers’ Compensation for Georgia First Responders with PTSD

February 21, 2022 - 10:04 pm

In Georgia, workers’ compensation insurance may soon cover mental health treatment for first responders. House Bill 855, sponsored by Rep. Gregg Kinnard, D-Lawrenceville, states: “If a first responder experiences one or more psychologically traumatic events and is thereafter diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder by a mental health professional licensed in this state, such psychological injury shall be presumed to arise out of and in the course of employment and shall be compensable under this chapter.”

With this new amendment, any first responders—such as emergency health workers, firefighters, highway emergency response operators, emergency services dispatchers, and more—diagnosed with PTSD stemming from a work-involved traumatic event may be eligible for workers’ compensation without proof of other physical injury. 

While the bill received bipartisan support, some legislators raised concerns over the potential for false claims and an increase of further expensive litigation. Because of this, lawmakers proposed the issue undergo more research. With this suggestion for further review, it is uncertain whether these changes will occur—but if passed, this measure would be a tremendous step toward mental health treatment coverage under workers’ compensation.



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