Back to the Basics of Workers’ Compensation

October 27, 2022 - 6:42 pm

If you were recently injured at work, you probably have a lot of questions about the workers’ compensation system—as an employee, what are my rights? What are the correct procedures for getting medical attention, filing claims, and returning to work? Poirier Law Firm is here to help and answer all questions related to workers’ compensation.

Employee Rights

  1. Medical, rehabilitation and income benefits are in place to compensate and support employees following workplace accidents.
  2. Employers are required to post a list of approved providers employees may consult for medical care following an on-the-job injury. Learn more about provider options here.
  3. Authorized doctor bills, hospital bills, rehabilitation, physical therapy, prescriptions, and necessary travel expenses are typically covered under workers’ compensation insurance. Contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to ensure you get the benefits you qualify for.
  4. If you are unable to work for more than seven days, you are entitled to weekly income benefits. Learn more about important timing factors related to case specifics here
  5. Accidents are classified as being either catastrophic or non-catastrophic. Read more about catastrophic injuries here.
  6. Employees are entitled to receive two-thirds of their average weekly wage up to the maximum determined amount for non-catastrophic injuries. Non-catastrophic injuries include chemical burns, repetitive use injuries, slips and falls, head injuries, lung injuries, limb injuries, hearing and vision impacts, psychological conditions, and more. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help determine if your workplace injury qualifies for coverage. 
  7. If employees can return to work, but can only get a lower paying job as a result of an on-the-job injury, certain stipulations are in place regarding compensation. Learn more here
  8. Compensation is available for dependents following a workplace fatality. Learn more about on-the-job deaths here.
  9. Employers and their insurance carriers are required to pay penalty fees in the event employee benefits are not paid on time. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you navigate this situation.


Best Practices

  • The health and safety of the injured employee is the top priority in any workplace accident. If you are injured on the job, immediately seek out necessary medical support.
  • Communication and timing are important. Immediately alert your employer following a work-related injury.
  • Document your accident and injury to the best of your ability.
  • File a workers’ compensation claim. Not sure this is what you need to do? Learn more here
  • Contact a workers’ compensation attorney to help you through the process. Workers’ compensation can be confusing and we’re here to help. With over 20 years of experience, Julie Poirier of Poirier Law Firm knows the ins and outs of the system and can help you get the care and compensation you deserve.



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