When to Return to Work After A COVID-19 Diagnosis

May 21, 2020 - 9:17 pm

 If you have been infected with COVID-19 and have had to take time off work as a result, you may be wondering when it is appropriate to return to work. Perhaps your employer gave you a period of time that is either longer or shorter than you expected or maybe he or she did not specify a timeframe that you should stay at home. Although you are likely eager to return to work, it is important that you take enough time to heal to not only protect yourself but also your coworkers and potential customers around you. 

When to Return to Work 

In order to be comfortable to return to work, you should be cleared by a physician. If your physician determines that you are healthy and no longer contagious to those around you, you are required to resume your workplace responsibilities as soon as possible. Generally, you will be able to return to work after a week since your symptoms first appeared. This is not a catch-all rule, however, so it is important that you consult a healthcare provider to ensure that you are not putting anyone at risk upon your return. 

If your doctor has told you that you are able to resume work and your employer will still not allow you to return, you should consider consulting an attorney. Although you may be receiving compensation from your job while you are on sick leave, you are likely not earning as much as you would be if you were able to return to your normal work duties, especially if your job often includes tips or commission. 

Employer Expectations vs. Employee Rights

Your employer must adhere to your doctor’s restrictions, meaning if your employer expects you to return to work sooner than you are able to after your illness, you have grounds to file a claim if they won’t comply with the doctor’s orders. An option that your employer could consider is to allow you to work from home during the period before you are able to return to work. Once your symptoms have subsided and you feel well enough to work, this could offer a way for you to continue a portion of your job responsibilities without threatening the health and safety of both yourself and your coworkers. 

If you were sent back to work too soon or your employer isn’t accommodating your work restrictions, you need to contact a workers’ compensation lawyer immediately. It is important for both your own health and safety as well as those around you that you ensure that you are completely healthy before you return to work. On the other hand, you might also be in a situation in which you are ready to go back to work and your employer isn’t permitting you to do so. Regardless of your circumstance, Poirier Law Firm can help you better understand your rights and responsibilities as an employee and how you are able to move forward to return to normal.

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