March 25, 2021 - 7:22 pm

The COVID-19 vaccine is on the top of everyone’s mind nowadays. As the vaccine roll out in Georgia begins to gain momentum and an increasing number of individuals are eligible to receive the vaccination, the question now becomes how

March 11, 2021 - 4:01 pm

Although many people are beginning to feel safer in regards to COVID-19, it is important to remain cautious in scenarios and situations in which covid could be a risk factor. Workplaces can tend to be a common setting for

September 15, 2020 - 7:34 pm

If you have been paying attention to COVID-19 news and legislation, you will have heard about the new bill passed by Governor Kemp titled “Georgia COVID-19 Pandemic Business Safety Act”. This legislation is designed to protect healthcare facilities and

August 27, 2020 - 9:17 pm

Despite the fact life may be slowly returning to a state of normalcy, thousands of individuals are still contracting COVID-19 and falling ill to the virus. Although people are taking precautions such as staying at home when possible, wearing

June 12, 2020 - 2:58 pm

Although we may be witnessing life returning back to a somewhat normal state, researchers are still hard at work developing an antiviral medication that could serve as COVID-19 treatment and possible prevention. At Emory hospital, a drug called EID-2801

May 28, 2020 - 5:55 pm

Many people have found themselves working from home over the past several months. Telecommuting has given individuals the ability to continue many of their job responsibilities from the safety of their home. Although this offers many benefits to workers,

May 21, 2020 - 9:17 pm

 If you have been infected with COVID-19 and have had to take time off work as a result, you may be wondering when it is appropriate to return to work. Perhaps your employer gave you a period of time

May 7, 2020 - 6:09 pm

There are many workers whose jobs are not able to be remotely done at home during this pandemic, and they continue to work in person. They are deemed essential workers, and that ranges from working in a hospital, to

April 30, 2020 - 4:13 pm

Before the coronavirus pandemic broke out, injury-based claims vastly outnumbered the amount of disease-based claims. In the recent weeks, however, we have seen numbers adjust and reveal an entirely different story about which type of claims are being filed