Avoiding Holiday Injuries as a Retail Worker

December 17, 2020 - 1:43 pm

It’s no secret that the busiest time of year for shopping is around the holidays. Although many people are opting to shop online this year as a result of the pandemic, there will still be large crowds at retail stores for last minute shopping as the holidays quickly approach. As a retail worker, it is essential to protect yourself from any injury while at work including slips and falls, overexertion, or even assault. It can be difficult to entirely eliminate the possibility of suffering from an injury on-the-job, however, there are a number of precautions you can take before you head to your retail job this season.

Be aware of your surroundings 

Remaining vigilant and aware of your surroundings can be a key factor in preventing injuries while at work. This will help you identify customers and situations that could lead to an assault, as well as avoid any obstructions that could cause you to trip or fall. It is difficult to be distracted while dealing with the holiday rush, however, taking caution when working in a mall or store this season could save you from an unfortunate on-the-job injury. 

Take Proper Breaks

Many retail stores will be consistently busy from now until the new year. You may have the opportunity (or requirement) to work excessive hours lifting boxes or standing on your feet. Although working overtime can be helpful to earn extra income during the holidays, it can be dangerous to your wellbeing if you overexert your body. Overexertion and exhaustion can lead to a number of injuries caused by repetitive motions or distraction due to fatigue. 


According to an article published in Forbes, eight out of the ten busiest shopping days of the year are in December. Despite COVID-19 restricting the number of crowds in stores, a large volume of consumers will still be out shopping in the next several weeks. It is important to place your health and safety as your main priority when you are working, especially as a retail associate during the holidays. If you find yourself injured or ill as a result of working this season, contact Poirier Law Firm. We want to protect you if you are injured on the job, and ensure that you timely receive every right available to you under Georgia law. We will fight for you.


Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/joanverdon/2019/09/24/the-10-busiest-shopping-days-at-stores-does-anyone-still-care/?sh=3c5bfa215253

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