6 Key Questions to Ask a Workers’ Comp Lawyer During the Initial Consultation

December 4, 2019 - 11:57 pm

Workers’ comp claims can be confusing and frustrating for thousands of Georgia workers’ each year. Many claims require a lawyer to help make decisions, prepare their case, and guide them through the process of filing a claim. During the initial consultation, it is common for the lawyer to steer the meeting and ask you numerous questions to help clarify the case. Make sure that you remember to ask your own questions too—because they are equally as important. Consider writing down the following 6 questions which are key to ask during your initial consultation with your workers’ comp attorney.

1. Are you sure that I need a workers’ comp lawyer for my case?

Each injured worker will have a different situation that needs to be assessed. Some cases may be simple and straightforward while others might have complicated twists and turns throughout. If you have only missed a couple of days from work and your injury is healing nicely, you may not require the need for a lawyer. But if your work injury caused a permanent impairment, then it is a good idea to retain a lawyer to deal with any potential disuputed compensation. 

2. What benefits are available to me for my work injury?

Workers’ Compensation provides you with medical benefits, supplemental income, and rehabilitation support if you become injured or ill as a result of the job. The benefits are there to help you return to work as soon as possible. 

3. How long does it take to reach a settlement or conclusion of a case?

Don’t try to settle any case if you have a long-term injury until a doctor is sure the injury is stable and improved enough to foresee future medical needs.  The settlement process can be quick or may take a long time, depending on your specific case. If you and your attorney are happy with the initial offer then it is up to you if you want to accept immediately. The main thing to remember is that you want to make sure your injury is healed enough to make such a big decision that can affect how much you are paid in the future.

4. What additional information, documents, or data do you need from me in order to begin work?

Your lawyer may ask you to send additional information or documents pertaining to your case to get the full picture of your situation. This is also a great time to ask the lawyer what method of communication he or she prefers (email, telephone, or some other method), and then use this to make regular contact.

5. Do you have a paralegal or other type of assistant who will be helping you?

If your attorney is part of a large firm, they will commonly have other attorneys work on the case, so the people actually doing the work might not be the person you first meet with. Paralegals and legal assistants might handle much of the paperwork and scheduling, so make sure you identify who will be the contact person for your case.

6. How will you update me on my case?

Make sure to find out how often you can expect to hear from the lawyer. If you have legal questions, how soon can you expect to hear back if you call or email? How often will the lawyer reach out to you with updates? What about after hours, how can you contact your lawyer with emergency situations?

7. Can I keep my friends and family updated on my case through social media?

The answer to this questions is NO. Courts today will admit social media content as a form of evidence both for and against you.

A crucial step an employee can take after he or she has been injured on the job is to contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. If you are an injured worker, you can obtain a free consultation and discuss any questions you have with most workers’ comp attorneys.

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