Can I Be at Fault for a Workplace Accident in Georgia?

December 10, 2019 - 11:30 pm

Some workplace injuries are so bad you can no longer make the living you once did. When this happens, most employees are able to be compensated through workers’ compensation insurance which provides medical care, ongoing rehab, and supplemental income as part of the coverage. The benefits help provide for you and your family during this stressful time of need. So, what happens if the insurance company believes you are at fault for the workplace accident?

A No Fault System

Georgia has no-fault compensation laws which are based on the principle that injured workers are entitled to get compensation for their injuries without having to show the fault of their employer. It used to be that an employee had to prove his or her employer was at fault for the accident, but that is no longer the case. The laws were too lenient at the time but since have evolved for the better. Now, workers’ compensation laws make sure that employees receive prompt relief from on the job accidents and injuries. 

 Aggressive Insurance Adjusters

Insurance adjusters are known for taking advantage of the vulnerable position injured workers find themselves in following a workplace accident. Not only are they often unable to work, they are dealing with the many financial and emotional stressors that come with an injury. Often in pain and concerned with what the future holds, insurance adjusters exploit these vulnerabilities and aggressively investigate employees.  Unfortunately, insurance adjusters often present a hard line or refuse to participate in the discussion. The point of this is to pressure the employee into signing a small settlement in a short period of time.

Lowered Value of Claim

It is very important that you consult with a workers’ comp attorney after a workplace injury—especially if your employers insurance company is refusing to pay or offering a low settlement.  Insurance adjusters will try many tricks, including paying claims late or trying to cut off payments altogether. A lawyer will help protect you from an adjuster trying to lower the value of your claim and make sure your rights are protected. 


Workers compensation law is complicated and even confusing for attorneys on occasion. You need to protect yourself by getting an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who will fight for your rights and make sure you get full payment amounts in a timely fashion.


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