February 26, 2021 - 12:19 am

Did you know that workers’ compensation coverage includes injuries that happen as a result of natural disasters? Fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, or even major winter storms can wreak havoc on a city’s infrastructure and safety for residents and workers. If

February 11, 2021 - 9:38 pm

Workplace injuries are stressful enough as it is, but when you realize you might have to contact a workers’ compensation attorney to help with your case, you may be even more overwhelmed. If you have never dealt with a

January 8, 2021 - 10:51 pm

Although relatively uncommon, sometimes workplace accidents can result in life-threatening/altering injuries. These injuries can drastically affect your everyday life leaving you in pain and with a decreased ability to perform your job to the extent that you could prior.

December 23, 2020 - 9:58 pm

As 2020 comes to a close you may be thinking more about what New Year’s resolutions you are going to set for 2021. Although health, exercise, and overall well-being are among the top on many people’s New Year’s resolutions

December 8, 2020 - 10:51 pm

Oftentimes around the holidays, employers and companies hold celebratory parties and festivities. Although these can be fun and a great way to end the year with your coworkers, unexpected injuries can sometimes occur at these events. If you have

October 20, 2020 - 12:57 pm

With the drastic changes that have accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic, you may find yourself now classified as part-time when you were previously a full-time employee. Although your main concern is likely the impact this has on your pay, you

July 9, 2020 - 11:55 am

Employees often know how workers’ compensation covers an injury if it is incurred on the premise of their job site, however, the concept of coverage relating to traveling in the course of employment is generally misunderstood. If you are

May 28, 2020 - 5:55 pm

Many people have found themselves working from home over the past several months. Telecommuting has given individuals the ability to continue many of their job responsibilities from the safety of their home. Although this offers many benefits to workers,

February 5, 2020 - 10:16 pm

If a worker is injured on the job, they should be treated equally and receive the same aid from workers’ compensation benefits. In Florida, there have been undocumented workers who did not receive workers’ comp, and even some have